Delete all comments, revisions and ink annotations in this presentation?
是否删除此演示文稿中的所有批注 、 标记和墨迹注释?
互联网Select "Delete all" from the drop-down list.
柯林斯例句Please delete all resources you downloaded from this site within 12 hours.
互联网Delete all application directory partitions on this domain controller.
互联网Unsubscribing from this newsgroup will delete all messages within it.
互联网You must delete all sections Entitled '' Endorsements '' .
你必须删除标题为 背书 的所有章节.
互联网This will delete all the verifier settings and exit this program. Do you want to continue?
这将删除所有验证程序的设置并退出该程序. 您要继续 吗 ?
互联网To resolve this error, delete all unneeded temporary files.
要解决此错误, 请删除所有不需要的临时文件.
互联网From the Debug menu, click Delete All Breakpoints or Disable All Breakpoints.
互联网You should eventually delete all GDI objects that you create.
互联网Click OK to confirm and delete all messages.
互联网If you select Format or Delete All from the Delete Contents window, then it is removed.
如果从删除内容窗口选择了格式或全部删除, 那么有效性规则也被删除了.
互联网Are you sure you want to reset and delete all locally cached messages from all folders?
确实要重置和删除所有文件夹中的全部本地缓存邮件 吗 ?
互联网Are you sure you want to delete all locally cached message bodies from all folders?
确实要删除所有文件夹中的全部本地缓存邮件正文 吗 ?
互联网This will delete all headers and message bodies.
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